Tuesday, January 3, 2017

2017 Off and Running

Our typical winters on the Peninsula are relatively mild compared to the rest of the country.  This winter is not the norm.  Only a dusting of snow one day and gone the next, but it has been cold.  Hanging for weeks with daytime temperatures in the low 30s.  Too cold to get outdoors and we are feeling cabin fever, for sure.  Focusing on indoor projects and finishing up the home projects is our aim until things warm up.

The year of 2016 was the year of fixing up our new home.  The last week of the year we installed a new foyer light and it looks fabulous.  Just a few more updates in 2017 for the home  (1) pull out overgrown shrubs along the driveway (they are huge!), (2) exterior paint for the house, and (3) refinish the back deck and install railing.  Mostly, we are going to indulge in more hiking, art workshops (Me), wood sculpture (Hubby), golf, healthy living and spiffing up this blog a bit. 
Out with the Old - In with the New!

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