We headed to the Lady Bird Johnson Grove for our daily hike through the redwoods. Across the footbridge from the parking area was an easy one-mile loop through the grove. We went around twice--first, because it was so beautiful; and secondly, to get some needed exercise. The fog was heavy, the moisture dripped from the leaves and branches like rain. Occasionally, a shaft of sunlight would pierce the mist. Magic.
The rhododendrons are the size of trees. The blooming period is over for rhodies, but from the number of large buds, I am guessing the blossoms are spectacular from May to June. And talk about ferns—holy cow! They were huge, close to five feet high.

I did not blog yesterday, because it was a bit of a disappointment. We were so excited try the gondola ride at the “Trees of Mystery” (private park located in Klamath, California). The brochure explained that the gondola took you up and through the redwood canopy to the top of the ridge. The private park also claimed to have trails through “towering matriarchs”. No doubt, they did have extremely large redwoods (but, we saw redwoods for the last week for free that were just as big). If the gondola ride went through redwoods, they were very small and we missed them. This part of the park was obviously logged in the not too distant past. The ride itself was kind of fun, I guess.
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