Saturday, July 5, 2014

Mystic Moment #16–Fortune Teller

kristine_rose_walshWith two friends, Linda (originated from the Isle of Wight—south of England) and Wanda, we journeyed to Port Townsend today to have our fortunes told at Phoenix Rising.  You know the shop with glowing crystals in the window and incense wafting out the front doorway.  We had appointments with a well-known intuitive/medium, Kristine Rose-Walsh (her photo, left—looks pretty normal, right?).  I am a skeptic in most things spiritual, but I have to say she had some very interesting insights about me and my life.

The reading started with the dampening of dry tea leaves in a delicate tea cup.  The moistened leaves are swirled clock-wise while you are instructed to think about significant thoughts/events on your mind.  After a minute, the cup is quickly turned over on a cloth.  With the cup turned up right-side, the leaves remain stuck to the bottom.   Kristine set them aside.

She then selects eight random cards with symbols from a large stack.  Two represent your past, two your present, and four as the future.  Kristine begins interpreting the cards. 

The past for me has been very structured, mostly mental, left brain.  Everything organized.  Everything strategic.  Events thought out.  [Okay, she has this right.   Long hours making a living and planning our retirement.   But, this can apply to many…] 

The present shows a transition to a creative life.  A desire to lead with the heart rather than the mind, but there is difficulty moving away from maintaining tight structure and over-thinking everything.  [Wow, this is getting close.]

My future includes a concentrated effort to delve into my creative side, painting, maybe more.  [Did I just hear her mention painting!?]  “Once you make time for this, you get lost in it, don’t you?  It is important to you to do more.  Keep going. ”  [Yes!  Well, that was insightful and very encouraging.]

On to the tea leaves.  “You are planning a far-away trip in the next few months?”  [Yes!]  “The trip will be exciting and you will have wonderful experiences.  I see interesting, unusual trees.  [What?  Trees?]  Trees with flattened branches.”  [Well, dang!  I will be looking for those trees when we travel to Croatia in October!]

After the three of us received our readings, we compared notes over a cup of coffee.  [Port Townsend is filled with little coffee shops with freshly baked pastries located in old little cottages.  So cute!]  Of course, Wanda and I will be traveling to Croatia together and Kristine told her the same as me—traveling to a far-away place in a few months.  Wanda’s trip prediction includes a life-changing event.  I am looking forward to seeing her experience that!  And Linda’s reading had advice for dealing with a past difficult divorce and moving on with her life. 

A little spooky, new experience.  Try it!  I think I got some good advice.  And my friends were pleased with their readings.  Time to move on with right brain thinking and stop being so “mental”!

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