Back in the 1970's we spent many years vacationing (and a whole lotta partying) on Long Beach in Washington State--many a 4th of July was spent on that beach with our friends, Frank, Jeanette and Jenay and a mob of others. Today we went back down memory lane and visited all the old haunts--Frank's cabin in Ocean Park (he sold years ago), the beach you can drive on forever, the antique shop where Mike bought me an old 1940s-era asian teacup (I still have it), the tavern on the corner and The Ark restaurant in Oysterville. Unfortunately, The Ark is closed down, but the old building had a sign in the window saying they reopened in Klipsan Beach. We found them! Jimella's Seafood Market sign is a little misleading because inside is a small cafe with eight tables and the same quality food they served years ago at The Ark. Besides the oysters, steamed clams, and chowder; we splurged on the calories today and had the lemon custard and cake dessert.

Ilwaco, Washington is known for their charter fishing boats and over the years we've gone out ocean fishing several times for salmon. (That's me 35 years ago with a 32 pound salmon.) Ilwaco is exactly the same as I last remembered. The same marina, the parking lot style RV park across the street and boats in all shapes and sizes.
Cape Disappointment was another stop today. A lighthouse, a museum and a walk in the woods--the lighthouse was picture perfect, the walk refreshing, but please no more museums. That's it for a while; we know every fact known about the Lewis and Clark expedition.
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