Pier 39 tenants include the Rogue Ale Public House, the old BumbleBee tuna cannery, a scuba shop and a number of others. We headed to the Rogue Ale pub. We heard the Kobe blue cheese meatballs were the appetizer of choice. And boy, did they get it right. Pair the meatballs with some beer samples and you've got a great meal. We conducted our own beer taste test with 1 as the lowest and 5 as the best; (1) "Mom's"-Mike/5, Terry/4, (2) "Honey-Orange"-Mike/4, Terry/3, (3) "Irish" -Mike/4, Terry/5 and (4) "JJ Juniper Ale" - Mike/4, Terry/2. Really, in the end they were all tasty.

The Astoria, Oregon trolley "Old 300" runs from Pier 39 along the river for 4 miles under the Astoria bridge. It is v.e.r.y...s.l.o.w. The slow-go did help you see all the restaurants, canneries, the Columbia River Pilot building, and condos. I think we'll be back to a few restaurants before we leave the area. Contrary the name, the "Wet Dog" smelled especially good; but so did the BBQ joint.

e years ago, "The Goonies"(Steven Spielberg movie) was filmed in Astoria, Oregon, and is a BIG DEAL here. This weekend is the "Goonies" 25th anniversary and the town is crawling with Goonies. We considered attending the premiere of the "The Making of The Goonies" documentary" and the "The Goonies" movie both showing in the newly renovated Liberty Theater (built in 1925). But, $20/each--I don't think so (are we getting to be cheap retirees?). We'll rent the movie. I'm pretty sure we saw the movie in 1985, but a refresh is in order.
I won't bore you with our dinner picture, again; but I have to tell you the buffalo steak we grilled for dinner was the best. The meat has 76% less fat than a beef steak and cooks very fast. So tender, it melts in your mouth. Highly recommended.
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