Monday, July 29, 2013

No Waste Wednesday #30–Food Waste

Reference:  Resolution posted 12/31/12.

FoodWasteLike us, many are enjoying pot lucks and barbeques this summer.  Friends and family are visiting.  Vacations are underway.  And like us, you are buying too much food and cooking/preparing volumes uneaten.  Lots of food is wasted. 

The “Love Food, Hate Waste” website,, is based in the United Kingdom; but applies to anyone wanting to cut down on food waste.  “When you throw away food you are not just wasting the food, but also the resources such as energy, fuel, time and water that went into growing, harvesting, storing, transporting and cooking the food.” 

Great tips and calculators for planning portions for two or twenty.  Also provides guidelines for food storage.  (Note:  When the website describes saving pounds, remember they are talking money not your weight!  HaHa) 

Not only do we want to cut down on our waste, saving pounds/dollars is just as important.  Food for thought.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the website! One thing we have problems with is buying food then having it go "bad" in frig before preparing it.


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